This is a funny story about my one and only karaoke experience – I Have a Song For That!
Why does everyone automatically think that a pastor’s wife can sing? I can’t sing. Period. Not a lick. (Where did that expression come from?) I didn’t say that I don’t sing, just that I can’t.
And I didn’t say that I don’t love music. I do. And I can hear a wrong note from a mile away. I know pitchy when I hear it, dog. Yep, I can tell when it’s flat, forced, nasally or off-key.
I Can’t Sing a Lick
But, alas, I’m the only one in the family who can’t sing.
True Story: When my children were mere babes and I would be rocking them to sleep, I would start singing and the more I sang, the louder they cried.
Daughter #1
Daughter #1 is the leader of the Praise Band at church. She also plays guitar and piano.
Daughter #2
Daughter #2 can sing amazing harmony and has taught all her kids to sing. They also play musical instruments.
Daughter #3
Daughter #3 (the makeup artist) also sings in the band, plays piano and does Youtube videos.
And Then There is Me
I can hear a song from long ago, 60’s, 70’s, etc. and I remember every word. And when I’m talking to someone or listening to my hubby’s sermon, a word will be spoken and a corresponding song will pop into my mind. Am I the only one who does that?
For example, a few nights ago, my hubby was announcing a future project concerning paving a parking lot. Immediately, in my mind, I was singing “they paved paradise and put in a parking lot.”
Only it wasn’t in my mind as I realized a girl in the seat behind me was bursting forth with laughter. This was at church, mind you. But it happens everywhere.
My children tell me that sometimes – when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars – I harmonize with them. Who knew? Not me.
They teasingly say that they are forming a band with me and calling it Accidental Harmony. Yeah, cute. Real, real cute.
The Night I Sang Karaoke Like a Boss
Some time back, at one of our Girlfriends events, we had a karaoke night.
The GAB (Girlfriends Advisory Board) thought it would be so cool if we announced that I would sing if we sold a certain number of tickets.
Of course, the event was immediately sold out. Who wouldn’t want to see the pastor’s wife make a complete and utter fool of herself?
I Have a Song For That
I was more than a tad nervous. Why is it I can speak in front of a packed auditorium with no fear? But to sing, give me a break. So I reached back in the archives and pulled out Old Time Rock & Roll by Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band.
Oh, yes, I did! The day of, I showed up to rehearse with daughter #1. I ran through it once. I didn’t have to look at that screen because I knew every word. She said I was good to go.
The night of, I volunteered to go first. I just wanted to get it over with so I could enjoy the rest of the evening. There was not a drop of saliva in my mouth. My hands were shaking and my knees were knocking. I asked God to help me sing a rock song. Can I do that?
And suddenly, that spotlight was glaring at me and I was blinded by the light. For a brief moment, I forgot where I was. And then I remembered. I was in the ’70s and for a few moments, I was Bob Seger.
This photo is not me but it’s how I saw myself that night – rocking and rolling, baby!
I was taking those old records off the shelf and daring that sold-out crowd of frenzied women to try and take me to a disco. Then, I challenged them to call me a relic, call me what they will, or to say I was old fashioned or over the hill.
I reminisced about the days of old, with that old-time rock and roll. Was that really me? Jumping. Spinning (or was that my head). Was I really playing air guitar?
And then, much too quickly and to my dismay, it was all over. I stepped away from the spotlight and came tumbling back down to reality, oops there goes gravity. But for one night, I owned that make-shift stage. I was a rock star!
When all was said and done, daughter #1 (an accomplished musician) said that she was impressed and that I was the best act of the night! Maybe she exaggerated a bit, but I believed every word!
I won’t be going on tour or trying out for The Voice or American Idol anytime soon, but, for once in my life, I stayed on key, all by myself. And that, my friend, is a major accomplishment. Oh, wait, a Stevie Wonder song, For Once in my Life, just popped into my head. I told you! I have a song for that . . .