I recently received wristbands from iBandz.co to review. ย My opinions are 100% my own.
When I was asked to review the wristbands, I was also instructed to pick out the color and the word (up to 5 letters) I wanted on my iBandz. ย Of course, my mind went blank, but then I thought about the word, love, that I chose back in January for my word of the year instead of making a New Year’s resolution. ย Then I picked my favorite color of the month, orange.
My grandsons (ages 2 and 5) happened to be at my house the day the ibandz arrived. ย I haven’t seen those wristbands since! ย It was on like Donkey Kong and they were begging me to let them wear them. ย So, of course, I gave in, but made them pose for a few pictures before they were off to attend VBS. ย (By the way, their teachers loved their iBandz, too!)
My oldest grandson (10) wanted to wear one, but he took theย L-O-V-Eย off because he wouldn’t dare get caught wearing that word (too girly for him). ย The wristband looked great even without the letters!
Then my 25 year old daughter arrived and she started gushing over them (OK, peeps, I only have 3) so I had to let her have one and she wore hers to work the next day.
What’s all the fuss about? ย For one, I’ve never seen a wristband like this before! ย And when I checked out the website, I was even more impressed! ย It’s just a really innovative idea.
You can personalize your iBandz with your favorite word, favorite trend or favorite athletic team – anything you can think of up to 5 letters!
In my opinion, these iBandz are far superior to all those skinny bands. ย And they are adjustable. ย There’s 3 snaps, so that you can adjust the size of the wristband to fit children or adults. ย How neat is that?
What word (5 letters or less) would you have on your iBandz? ย You can check them out here!ย Oh, yeah, shipping is free in the USA.