A few weeks ago I was watching my grandsons play Dixie Youth Baseball while listening to parents, grandparents, fans and coaches yell out words of encouragement to the kids when the thought occurred to me to write a post about 5 things you hear at a kid’s baseball game.
Every baseball game I attend (and I try not to miss any) takes me back to my youth . . .
I’ve been a big fan of baseball ever since I was a toddler! My sister and I didn’t play house as much as we pretended we were at a Braves baseball game with our baby dolls because we spent a lot of days in Atlanta watching our Braves play! (Go Braves!)
My mom and dad actually started the Little League program in the small Georgia town that I grew up in. They built the first fields and my dad coached the team for years. Mom would keep the score and I ran the concession stand alongside my sister when we were in elementary and middle school. I even remember announcing the batter’s names over the loudspeaker.
My dad (now in his early 80’s) can’t walk into a local grocery store without someone in their 30’s or 40’s coming up to him and asking, “Do you remember coaching me?” or “Do you still have a copy of my birth certificate? I need a copy.” He did and he does!
Baseball, along with hot dogs and apple pie, is the great American past time! So this post is for my dad!
5 Things You Hear at a Kid’s Baseball Game
1. Good eye – This simply means that a ball (instead of a strike) was thrown and the batter didn’t swing at it, which is a good thing.
2. Way to Watch – See #1 – Means the exact same thing.
3. That’s all right – This is said to a batter when he strikes out or to a pitcher when he throws a wild pitch.
4. Good Swing – He missed the ball, but the swing was good.
5. Wait on It – Stop swinging too soon!
Personally, I try to stay positive when I’m cheering for a kid’s baseball game and I never yell anything negative towards the opposing team. I mean, come on, they’re kids.
But, when the coach from the visitor’s team starts yelling insults at my grandson (12 years old) to try to mess with him while he’s pitching, I have to try and stay calm when I really want to jump the fence and let him hold it. And when an umpire makes ridiculously bad calls over and over, I may be tempted to yell, “My grandma can see better than that and she’s blind in one eye.”
Do you yell at games or remain quiet? What can you add to the list of 5 Things You Hear at a Kid’s Baseball Game?
Check out the flip flops I made to wear to the games!