Back in the day, Save the Date was not a thing here in the south. Most of your friends and relatives lived nearby and the news that you were getting hitched traveled like wildfire. Even the invites were only sent to out-of-towners. A little engagement announcement appeared in the local paper ending with, “Local invitations will not be issued, but all friends and relatives are invited to attend.”
Also, back in the day, there were generally two types of weddings: a church wedding or a shotgun wedding. The shotgun weddings always had us counting up the months until we saw the baby bump. Of course, baby bump wasn’t a thing back then.
Miraculously, there always seemed to be enough punch, cheese straws, chicken salad sandwiches, fruit, nuts and wedding cake to go around. Big catered dinners and dancing was not much of a thing back then, either.
We’ve come a long way, baby! We now have friends spread out all over the world who require a six-eight-month warning that they are expected to be at your wedding. And they need to pencil it in. Enter the save the date card.
When my oldest daughter got married, save the date magnets (with a pic!) were all the rage. You received them in a little envelope and stuck um to the fridge. Suddenly, you had a constant reminder to lose those pesky 10 lbs, an excuse to buy that new cocktail dress you’d been eyeing and you always knew how much time you had to find the perfect wedding gift.
I don’t think magnets are a thing anymore. The thing now is tags with magnets attached. So I guess it’s kinda a thing, just a changed thing.
What’s the latest rage in save the date ideas? Since I recently had two kids get married, I’m up on all things wedding. Two of your kids getting married the same year should be against the law. Just saying.
Plus, I’ve directed so many weddings that I could orchestrate one in my sleep, so I tend to keep up on all things wedding related.
5 Unique Save the Date Ideas
1. Save the Date DVD or CD
My oldest daughter wrote a song for my youngest daughter’s engagement. My youngest daughter, Caitlin, sang it and shared engagement photos on a DVD.
She also included the website information and several of the guests-to-be RSVP’d on the website after watching the Save the Date DVD. Wedding websites were so not a thing back in the day.
I had a brief thought that if everyone RSVP’d from the Save the Date, we wouldn’t have to send out costly invites. Wrong. ๐
2. Save the Date Postcards
My daughter-in-law sent out photo postcards. I don’t want to brag or anything, but I took the photo. I should have charged them an editing fee. Just kidding.
She also included her website and several people RSVP’d as soon as they received the Save the Date.
There are even Save the Date stamps for those of you (like me) who go the extra mile(s) and can’t seem to stop.
Helpful Hint: Zazzle is a great place to shop for all things wedding related, including personalized wedding postage stamps.
3. ย Save the Date Cards
These days, when you choose your wedding invites, you’ll usually find matching save the dates, rsvp cards, etc. Whether you’re planning a vintage, rustic, classic romantic, ethnic or nautical wedding, there’s a card out there with your name on it. They come in all different sizes, shapes, and most can be customized to your specifications.
One of my favorite sites for wedding invites is Minted.
4. Passportย Luggage Tag Save the Date
This is a really neat idea if you’re planning a destination wedding.
5. ย Rustic Woodsy Save the Date
I don’t have to tell you that this would be perfect for a rustic wedding. Amazing.
6. Bonus: Plantable Save the Date Cards
This is kinda cool. Plantable save the dates are printed on post-consumer materials and the plantable seed paper is embedded with wildflower seeds. When guests plant the save the date cards, wildflowers will grow.
It Has to be Said . . .
I can’t end without sharing a pet peeve that needs to stop NOW. I’m sorry for shouting, but it’s never OK to include registry information with your wedding invites or save the dates. It’s tacky! Registry info belongs on shower invitations only.
One more thing: ย Check, double check and get someone else to check the save the date and wedding invites for typos before having them printed. You wouldn’t believe the invites I’ve received that were full of typos.
Did you/will you send Save the Dates? Which unique Save the Date isย your favorite?
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