A few days ago I was shopping at one of my favorite discount department stores. ย Sometimes it’s a big fat miss and I ask myself why I continue to stop by that particular store and then I’ll hit the jackpot and snag some upscale designer duds for a steal. ย Here’s my tips on shopping steals and deals.ย I also find inexpensive props for photos and tablescapes.
This past Tuesday I was standing in line, or what I refer to as the maze, to pay for my stuff and I could hear a conversation between the cashier and an elderly lady. ย The cashier was explaining to the lady that she would get 10% off of her purchases because she was a member of the Tuesday Club. ย She went on to explain that any time she came in on a Tuesday all she had to do was say “Tuesday Club” when she stepped up to the register. ย That sweet little lady was ecstatic.
When I heard the word Next yelled, I stepped up to the counter and with my southern drawl and a great big smile, saidย “Tuesday Club.” ย That cashier looked at me like a cow at a new gate and replied, “No way.” ย I then said, “Yes, way!” ย She shook her head in disbelief and I offered to show her my license. ย She stuttered a little bit as she answered, “That won’t be necessary.” ย I was almost carded at the department store!
I’ve just recentlyย tiptoed up to the age where I can receive discounts at certain department stores. ย I’m no where near the age to receive for-real senior citizen benefits – who came up with that term anyway? ย And at first I had very mixed feelings about it all. ย I wrote about entering the nifty 50’s here!
What age qualifies one for senior citizen status?
If you Google the official age to be deemed a senior citizen, you’ll find out that there is not a “legal” age to be classified as a Senior. ย Some people say 50 -whoa now! ย Some say 55, 60 and some say 65. ย I say 105!
When I was in high school I thought anyone over 35 was old as dirt. ย These days, my mom will call to tell me the home town news and often it includes someone who has recently passed away. ย I’m like, “How old were they – 150?” ย I thought they were old when I was young.
I can remember turning 30 and not being bothered at all. ย I kinda felt like 30 something was a coming of age where I would be taken more seriously, etc. ย I now have 2 children in their 30’s and the other 3 ย getting very close. ย Tick tock, tick tock goes that biological clock – just sayin’.
When I turned 49 my mailbox began to overflow with offers from the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons). ย I promptly threw those nasty things away. ย How dare they assume I was anywhere near the age to need their stuff.
What have I learned along the way?
1. ย Enjoy life – It passes by way too fast.
Stop yearning for the weekend! ย You’re wishing your life away. ย Monday’s can be fun, too! ย Here’s my Life is too short post. ย It’s an eye opener!
2. Hang Tough
You won’t go through life without someone hurting your feelings occasionally. ย Be tough. ย Just because someone doesn’t like something that you say, do, like . . . ย doesn’t mean they don’t like you. ย Or it may. ย I no longer care. What used to make me cry in my 20’s is now met with a shrug of my shoulders, a wave of my hand and a laugh.
3. ย Be Yourself
Be an original, not a copycat. ย When I became a pastor’s wife over 30 years ago I thought I had to look and act a certain way. ย No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t fit into that prim and proper pastor’s wife mold in my head so I decided to karate chop that mold, break it to pieces and kick it to the curb. ย Hey, it worked!
4. ย Laugh Often
Laugh at yourself, at others, with others. ย Laughter IS the best medicine! ย Check out this post that’s all about the benefits of laughter!ย Don’t be so stressed. ย I read that stress is the cause of 60% of all illnesses!
5. ย Love Much
Let your friends and family know how much you love them – in words and actions.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned along the way?