Bona Keep It Clean Personality Quiz

by Alli

Spring cleaning is just around the corner. Are you excited?  I actually have friends that love to clean but  I didn’t get the I-love-to-clean-more-than-anything-else-in-the-world gene.

I recently took the Bona Keep It Clean Personality Quiz and found out that my cleaning personality is a multitasker.  I’m always trying to do it all.  I talked my husband into taking the quiz and his cleaning personality is a social butterfly.  That quiz is spot on!

I bet you’ve read a gazillion tips on spring cleaning, right? And some of them are not practical at all.  The only tips I want to hear are ways to make the cleaning process easier so that I can be outdoors enjoying the spring sunshine.

Spring Cleaning Tips - Get rid of cobwebs

Here are my practical tips:

1.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I’m a finisher.  The thought of leaving something undone almost puts me over the edge.  I had to learn to pace myself and not try to do all the spring cleaning in one day.  Talk about exhausting!  I now tackle one room a day and sometimes skip a day in between so I won’t get burned out on deep cleaning.

2.  Stay Focused

Because my cleaning personality is a multitasker, I have a tendency to do 5 things at once.  It’s easy to get distracted while cleaning and find myself tidying an entirely different room. Setting a timer keeps me focused on the task at hand. Playing music lightens my mood and encourages me to sing at the top of my lungs (not a pretty sight).

3.  Keep Cleaning Tools at Hand

Nothing bothers me more than needing a cleaning product that’s under the kitchen sink while cleaning the bathroom.  Retracing steps takes up a lot of time and is another distraction.  I always grab a couple of trash bags so I can declutter as I go.  One is for items to donate and one for trash.


It’s best to keep bathroom cleaning supplies in the bathroom.  Don’t forget to keep all cleaning supplies out of the reach of children.

4.  Clean the Floors Last

Cleaning from the top to the bottom ensures a clean house and no do-overs.  I save the hardwood floors for last and can always count on my Bona hardwood mop and cleaning products to keep my floors healthy and clean.  Healthy?  Yep!  Bona cleaning products are ph neutral, non-toxic, 3rd party GREENGUARD certified and they leave no residue behind.

Speaking of Bona here’s before and after shots of a birthday party this past weekend at my daughter’s historic Dutch Colonial home. The hardwood floors are original to the home (built in the 1800’s) and have plenty of character. Bona is the only cleaning product my daughter trusts to care for these beautiful, old floors.  I taught her well. 🙂

Spring Cleaning with Bona

Floors that Sparkle and Shine

My other daughter recently had hardwood floors installed throughout her house and was instructed to use Bona cleaning products exclusively. Vinegar, water and other products can dull hardwood floors over time.

5.  Congrats!

Your house is squeaky clean!  Now you can go party like it’s your birthday.  Just don’t mess up the house.

Before you go, don’t forget to take the fun cleaning personality quiz AND enter to win a grand prize trip for 4 to Hawaii.  You can also instantly find out if you’ve won a Bona hardwood floor mop.  Let me know if you win!