It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and I’ve been busy planning my tablescape. ย For me, Thanksgiving and Christmas tablescapes are my very favorite and I try to mix it up every year without breaking the budget. ย With that in mind, I thought I’d share some of my Christmas Tablescapes, Party Tips & More.
Let’s start at the beginning with my Top 10 Holiday Party Planning Tips.
We must have napkin rings – a tablescape weakness of mine. ย Yes, Christmas calls for real napkins and napkin rings. ย Since I have a pretty large crowd for Christmas and I don’t like using the same napkin rings every single year, I started making my own. ย You can use paper towel rolls or toilet paper rolls. ย I don’t like the idea of using something on my table that has been in the bathroom, so to make my napkin rings, I pulled the little cardboard piece out before the TP ever made it to my bathroom.
I’ve created so many napkin rings from TP rolls and I can’t decide which ones are my favorite. ย I love them all.
And we can’t forget the kids’ table! ย The grandkids loved this one.
Are you planning a Gingerbread House Decorating Party? ย Here’s a party I did for our church kids and it was published in an online children’s magazine.
A Carolina Coastal Christmas is one of ย my favorite party themes ever. ย I made all the centerpieces and we had such a good time.
If you need a few pointers on decorating your tree, here’s my Top 3 Tips.
Last, but not least, here’s a little holiday tour of my house that I did a couple of years ago.
As I prepare for the Christmas season, I’m reminding my type-A personality self that it’s not about achieving the perfect atmosphere to celebrate, but rather the celebration itself – spending time with loved ones and making memories to cherish forever. ย Remember, it’s the little things that one day become the big things that people remember (or something like that).
PS – It’s usually the things that went crazy wrong that we remember and laugh about later.