As I grow older, I find myself wanting to learn more about my family’s history. When I was growing up, I never thought much about it. I knew my grandparents and my great-grandma Mac (short for McGlamery). She lived to be 99 and I pray I inherited her long-life genes! These days, I want to know as much as I can about my heritage. That’s why I’m excited to learn the results of my DNA test.
When I found out my aunt Jane (the family historian) had done the DNA test, I made up my mind to do it too.
Do you know that siblings have been reunited with each other and their parents through this test? Thankfully, I know who my siblings and parents are, but I want to get more focused on where my family came from.
How to Take a DNA Test
First, I went to and filled out a little info including my address and a few days later, I received the DNA kit in the mail. It’s pretty straightforward. You just swab the inside of both cheeks and follow the instructions. Drop the sample in the mail and the waiting begins. It takes a while – about six weeks. They don’t provide return postage (bummer) and my kit was $99.00.
The Results of the DNA Test
I’ve always been told that I’m part Irish, part Scottish with a little Native American on the side. What did I find out?
Drum roll, please . . . (I see you making drum roll noises with your mouth)
According to my results, I’m only 9% Irish, Scottish and Welsh. What? I’m 22% Scandinavian and 69% English. I see no Native Indian whatsoever! Hmmm . . .
Are these Ancestry DNA tests accurate?
When it comes to the accuracy of these ancestry tests, there are mixed reviews. Most of them are “fairly accurate,” meaning kinda, sorta, maybe.
As to the Native American, I found this statement and breathed a big sigh of relief, “Finding small percentages of unexpected ethnicities may prove to be inaccurate upon further examination. NOT finding traces of a certain group, such as Native American, may not necessarily prove that you do not have ancestors from that region or group.”
Take that, DNA test! I know that my great grandaddy on my mama’s side is half Cherokee and I will continue to claim it.
I’m a little bit country, a little bit rock n’ roll with a little bit of Motown in my soul. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Oh . . . and a little bit Native American!
Have you had your Ancestry DNA tested? Were the results surprising?