5 Tips on How to be a Great Leader

by Alli

A thought for a new blog post popped into my head one day while I was driving to the salon to get new highlights/lowlights and whatever else my fabulous hair stylist does. ย I love her! ย Her salon is listed in the top 100 salons in Allure Magazine. ย But that’s not what this article is about. It’s about becoming a great leader.

5 Tips on How to Become a Great Leader

The thought that came to my mind was this often heard quote:

“Leaders arenโ€™t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And thatโ€™s the price weโ€™ll have to pay to achieve that goalย or any goal.” โ€”Vince Lombardi

And I’ve always bought into that statement to a certain degree. ย But, (ready or not, here it comes) as a leader, I’ve watched people over the years and I’ve noticed that some people are born leaders,ย while others try their best to lead and always fall flat on their faces.

Another quote I like is this one: “He who thinks he leads but has no followers is only taking a walk.” – John Maxwellย 

5 Tips on Becoming a Great Leader

As I observed my children growing up, I realized very quickly which ones were born leaders and which ones would have to work hard to be a leader.

So, yes, I think leadership can be learned, but I also believe that some leaders are born that way.

Great Leaders - Born or Made

How to Be a Great Leader

It doesn’t matter if you’re a natural born leader or you’re on the way to becoming a great leader, these points will help you accomplish your goals.

1. Communicate.

Learn to communicate as efficiently as possible. Be concise and to the point. I hate it when someone goes all the way around their elbow to get to their knee. (Southern Speak)

2. ย Be an example.

Great leaders lead by example. Be one.

3. ย Make decisions and stick to them.

A leader is not wishy-washy and constantly changing her mind. Make firm decisions. Period.

4. ย Don’t make excuses.

No one likes to admit she made a mistake. However, we all make them. Own your mistake. Apologize and move on.

5 Tips on Becoming a Great Leader

5. ย Be humble.

I’ve seen many people get the big-head after becoming successful. It’s ugly. Remember where you started and always pay it forward. Be willing to give a hand up.

Whatever you are, be a good one. โ€”Abraham Lincoln

Are you a natural born leader or do you have to work hard at being a leader?