We’ve all read horror stories about hidden germs in restaurants. ย And, frankly, sometimes I get so grossed out that I actually think that I had rather not know.
I’m not quite a germaphobe – just really, really close to being one. And we all know that germs lurk in places that we never even dream of!
I’ve compiled a list of hidden germs that I know about. ย And I’m sure you can add to this list!
Hidden Germs in Restaurants
1. ย Buffet Bars
I never, ever, ever, ever eat at buffets (unless I’m forced to because I’m with someone else and I can’t be rude and my hands are tied behind my back and I have a gun stuck in my ribs – OK, I’ve been watching too many cop shows). ย I just don’t like the idea of endless food that other people are touching and cute, little, unsupervised children are sticking their grubby little hands into. ย I once saw a child (too short for the sneeze guard) sneeze right into a platter of fried chicken on a buffet bar. ย No, thanks.
I shudder when I think about those buffet bars that have chocolate fountains. ย You do know that the chocolate is recirculating, right? ย And you do know that people are dipping fruit, cake, etc. into that chocolate, right? ย And you do know that sometimes their hands touch that chocolate, right? ย What we don’t know is where that hand has been!
I also read that most buffet bars don’t follow the rules of how long the food should hang out on the bar and the correct temp that the food should be. ย Again, no thanks!
2. ย Dirty Hands
Just because the rules of hand washing are posted on the bathroom walls, does not mean that the people preparing and handling your food adhere to said rules. ย Recently I was having breakfast with my husband and brother-in-law in a restaurant where you can see into the kitchen. ย A waitress (who happened to be ours – lucky us) was taking a smoke break outside the restaurant as we walked in. ย When she finished, she walked into the open kitchen and assumed her duties. ย Did she wash her hands? ย No!
3. ย Dirty Floors
I hate to go into a restaurant restroom and not have a hook to hang my purse. ย Did you know that most of the germs that make it into your house arrive via your purse? ย Enough said. ย Keep that purse off of the dirty floor!
4. ย Lemons and Limes
I always have a lime with my water when dining out. ย Well, I’m rethinking that decision. ย According to the Journal of Environmental Health,ย swabs from 70% of lemons and limes in restaurants grew potentially harmful bacteria. ย They don’t know exactly where the germs come from, but they think it could be cross contamination from raw meat and unwashed hands.
5. ย Ice
Ice???? An Indianapolis news station sampled ice at 25 local restaurants to be analyzed at a state-certified laboratory.ย More than half tested positive for coliform bacteriaโtwo of which were specific for E. coli. ย Nine of the samples had more bacteria than the news station’s toilet! ย Most of the bacteria comes from improper cleaning of the ice machine and unwashed hands. ย Unwashed hands seems to be a recurring problem.
Psst: ย I’ve heard that some ice cream machines in certain fast food restaurants do not get properly cleaned either. ย But that could be an urban myth. ย We can only hope.
I was in a mid range chain restaurant a while back. ย As I walked out of the restroom I could see straight into the kitchen. ย It was filthy! ย The floor was disgusting. ย Good thing I had already eaten.
And just because a restaurant is high-end, does not make it immune to hidden germs!
What to do? ย Should we never eat out again? ย Of course not! ย One bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch, girl! ย Most restaurants are clean!
I always check the restaurant rating! ย And I pay attention to the bathroom. ย I’ve noticed that a clean restroom usually equals a clean restaurant.
And it’s a good thing I pray over all of my meals.
Have I missed some hidden germs? ย What are some ways that you judge a restaurant’s cleanliness?