Well, hello September and Happy Labor Day!
In case you missed it, I brought my youngest daughter on board a couple of months ago to help me blog occasionally and to give her twenty something take on things. ย Once a month we blog about stuff we love. ย Sometimes it’s something old that has stood the test of time. ย Sometimes it’s something new. And sometimes it’s something blue. ย Oh, wait, that’s a wedding thing. ย Never mind. ย It’s just stuff we love. ย Period.
Here’s what we loved in June and July!
Stuff Caitlin Loved in August:
My โWe Ate Good Food and We Did Thingsโ shirt.
My dad is always saying something quotable.ย He was telling a story while preaching a couple Sundays ago and when referring to my parents St. Lucia trip he said, โWe ate good food and we did things.โย Um, story of my life!ย So I made a shirt out of it.ย It’s funny, it’s comfortable and I get to wear a family joke.ย You can make one of your own at www.uberprints.com.
My Birthday month!
I am now 26.ย I can tell my age, right?ย I don’t mind getting older.ย You know how a lot of people reminisce about high school and long for their glory days and wish they could go back?ย I’m not one of them.ย To be frank, I hated school and I always say I love my life so much more now!ย My life is not perfect. ย I just love the me God has helped me to be over the past few years. THESE are my glory days, and like the Bible says, we are changing from glory to glory!ย And, like the song my Mom wants my 2 sisters and me to sing at her funeral (can you believe she mentioned that?) goes…
Two arms around me, heaven to ground me
ย And a family that always calls me home
ย Four wheels to get there, enough love to share
ย And a sweet, sweet, sweet song
ย At the end of the day
ย Lord, I pray
ย I have a life that’s good
– The Nashville Cast, written by: ย Sarah Siskind, Ashley Monroe
Note from Alli: ย I’m not planning on dying for a very, very long time. ย However, I’m a bit of a control freak and a planner. I like things done the way I like things done. ย I love to throw the perfect party and can’t stand the thought of leaving an important event like a funeral (which will probably be called a farewell gala) to party planning amateurs (aka my family). ย So I’m in the very early stages of planning my farewell party. ย It’s my prerogative. ย FYI: ย It will not be a traditional service because my parties must be different. ย It’s who I am. ย Now, back to Caitlin’s stuff!
ย Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer
This was part of my Birthday present from my boyfriend, who I like to call โSweet David,โ because well, just ask anyone, he’s as sweet as pie.ย ๐ย He took me shopping and I had been wanting to get my hands on this bronzer for a LONG time.ย I’m hitting pan on my Benefit’s Hoola Bronzer and it has served me well.ย It’s matte, blendable and provides a natural looking tan/contour.ย However, in the summer I have to build it up (layer) pretty good to get it to show up.
Chocolate Soleil to the rescue!! ย This bronzer is deep, matte and has a little more red in it (in a good way).ย Not orangy. The best part?ย It’s made of real chocolate and smells AND tastes like real chocolate.ย How do I know, you ask?ย I was getting a little crazy with my contour and it got in my mouth.ย It was snowing bronzer.ย And it was awesome.
Note from Alli: ย I had to ask Caitlin what “hitting pan” meant. ย It’s a makeup term that means you’re running low and you can see the bottom I think. ย Supposedly, everyone that knows anything about makeup should know that terminology. ย I digress.
Stuff Alli Loved in August:
OPI says hello to your wall!
Need a new paint color? ย Look no farther than your manicure. ย Yep, a couple of months ago OPI inspired Clark & Kensington’s paint palette at Ace Hardware. ย And I’m in love!
The 18 OPI colors range from the sheer Gray My Point Exactly to the dramatic teal Can’t Find my Czechbook!
Source – Clark + Kinsington
Because I’m so thankful for all of you who read my blog, I’m giving away a $50.00 gift card to Ace Hardware so that you can try the new OPI wall color! ย You can enter at the end of this post.
My Birthday Month
August is also my birthday month. ย I turned the big 3-0 on August 14, 1988 (gotcha)ย five days after giving birth to Caitlin. ย It’s just a me thing, but I wanted to have all of my children before I turned 30. ย I know women wait way beyond 30 now. ย But you’ve got to realize this was in the late 80’s. ย Looking back, I wouldn’t have it any other way. ย I’m really enjoying all of my grown children and my grand kids while being 39 and holding! ย Thirty-nine is the new 50 something, right?
When I was a little girl, my sister, Melinda, and I always sung this little song (among many) that we made up. ย As soon as August arrived, I would begin to sing,ย “14 days to my birth-day, 14 days to my birth-day” and would repeat it every day with the corresponding number of days, until the big day arrived! ย Melinda would do the same thing in January, her birthday month. ย Psst: ย I still do it, but don’t tell anyone! ย I even texted it to my sister in Colorado. ย You’re never to old to celebrate birthdays!
My Farewall to the Beach Tour
OK – I’m pretending to be a rock star here, but the entire family (kids and grands) is spending the week of Labor Day at the beach (except for Max, he’s spending the week on a huge blueberry farm/aka dog boarding kennel). ย We’ll enjoy one more week of summertime fun before our thoughts and minds turn to fall (as I’m sipping my coffee with pumpkin spice creamer)!
What did you love about August?