One Word Time Again

by Alli

Who remembers my one word for 2014?  It’s one-word time again! 

Come on, now. I certainly wrote about it enough and you can read my very first post about my 2014 word here.  It was L O V E and man, I had to often remind myself that I had chosen to walk in love in all situations.

I’m not a patient person by nature. It’s something I have to constantly work on. And I hate standing in long lines at the checkout counter or anywhere else. Sometimes I would have to chant the word LOVE to myself as I waited in line with a plastered fake smile on my face.  ‘ve always believed in “Fake it til you make it!”

Incompetence is another area that my perfectionist self is not good at tolerating.  

I have plenty of apathy for the underdog, the down and out, the victim, but for the incompetent person who has been taught how to do something but doesn’t even try, I have one word:  Love.  It’s become my mantra.

Last Year’s Word Was Love!

If someone is unloving to me: Love.  

When I don’t feel like walking in the love of God: Love.  

When I want to pitch a hissy fit:  Love.

Did I accomplish my goal? Yes, no, a little bit maybe so – to a certain extent.  

Sometimes my repeated mantra could not get through to my brain and I rebelled and chose impatience and intolerance. However, I became much more aware of situations that required me to lean more heavily on my LOVE word.

One Word Time Again – Drum Roll Please!

As a new year approaches, I’ve searched my inner self to find the one word that I could concentrate on this year.  It took a little while, but I finally found it, or it found me. My one word for the new year is organize.

One Word 2015: Organize

orยทganยทize – 1.  arrange in a structured whole; order.
                     2.  make arrangements or preparations for; coordinate.
If you’re reading this and you’re a real-life friend, I can read your thoughts right this second.  
You’re thinking, “But you are organized.”
I am organized in certain areas of my life. However, some areas can be vastly improved upon in 2015.

Here’s the plan!  I’m going to take my time organizing every area of my life.

1.  My house

I’m going to go through each room of my house (not on the same day, the same week, or the same month). Every closet, every drawer, every nook, and cranny will be organized and decluttered. 

Note:  Right before I hit the publish button on this post, I received an email from one of my favorite blogs, The Everyday Home.

It’s all about getting organized and she introduced me to  52 Weeks to An Organized Home. I signed up right away to receive emails, free printables, and step-by-step instructions to help me get my home completely organized in one year.

Each week will focus on a different challenge area in our homes. You can sign up, too!  It’s free, looks like fun and it will keep me motivated. I’m stoked!

2.  My website

I have my blog planner ready to go. There are several great, free printable blog planners out there. Here is a favorite from  My Life Abundant.

3.  My Body

I’m going to organize my exercise routine (or lack thereof lately) and my eating.  Hello, Fitbit, did you miss me over the Christmas holidays?  

Fitness Pal, ol’ buddy ol’ pal, I’m back. Please stop telling me that I’m not eating enough. I pinky swear that I am. My thighs and tummy also pinky swear that I am.

4.  My Spiritual Life

My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 6:33 – “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

I know I can’t organize God. Duh.  

However, I can seek Him first and foremost. Just because I’m in the ministry alongside my husband doesn’t mean that I have a special grace to read His word or pray.  I have to make and take time to spend with my Father.

I was going to list 5, but I think I’ve probably bitten off more than I can chew with these 4 areas, so let’s leave it at 4. Whew.

My word, organize, will be my BFF as we enter into 2015.  And just like those real-life BFFs we had in middle school, we’ll fuss, we’ll fight, we won’t speak to one another and we’ll get back on track.  

And at the end of the year, I do believe I’ll be organized a tad bit more than I am now.  That’s good enough for me.

What’s your one word or your goals?  What do you hope to accomplish?

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