Tips For A Summer Ready House

by Alli

Tips For A Summer Ready House is all about celebrating summer and getting your house spruced up and ready for a summer breeze!

As I changed the sheets on my bed this morning, I was thinking that in a perfect world, I would have someone else do this for me daily. I love nothing better than sleeping on the highest number of Egyptian cotton sheets that I can find at a relatively reasonable price.

I’m humming Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind by Seals & Croft, and hanging out in the early ’70s, all at the same time. I’m good at multitasking!

As I hum off-key, I’m also thinking about how I would like to redo my house to fit every season. Wouldn’t that be fun? My hubby thinks not. And, in reality, it’s not plausible.

So, I decided if I couldn’t redo my house to celebrate summer, I would do the next best thing. I will create vignettes of summer all through the house. Psst: Summer is my favorite season.

Summer Breeze – Getting Your Home Ready For Summer

Clean And Declutter 

Summer Breeze - napkins with words on how to declutter next to a glass of wine

This one step alone will make the house feel light and airy.

Change Out The Throw Pillows

Add colors that bring summer to mind. I like to use pillow covers that I can slip on and off according to the season.  These pillow covers are so cute!

When it comes to decorating, I do most things in odd numbers of three. I try and have three pops of the same accent color in a room.  

So, along with the pillows, add two more pops of the same color family. It’s not a rule that can’t be broken, but try it!

Change The Bedding

Trade out that heavy winter comforter for a breezy summer duvet. Duvets are usually a lot less expensive than comforters.

Rethink Furniture Placement

Rearranging furniture can make a room look larger or cozier.

Brighten Rooms With A New Paint Color

This is more detailed, but a fairly cheap do-it-yourself project. Coco Chanel said, “The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.โ€ 

 So it makes sense to pick accent colors (if not your main color) that compliment you.

I look drab in beige. It washes me out completely. My entire house (inside and out) is painted with Sherwin Williams Pure White. It’s a soft white. It doesn’t look yellow (I don’t like yellow!). It’s the perfect shade of white. 

Change Out Artwork/Pictures/Wall Decor

Pictures should be hung at eye level. Because I never miss a  thing (just kidding), I’ve noticed that a lot of rooms I’ve been in don’t look finished. The wall decor is either too small or too large for the wall or the pictures are hung too high. If all you have is small photos, group them together.

Always have fresh flowers in white vases or vases of your choice! That’s a command! ๐Ÿ™‚ Oops, I had better get to that one!

Play Some Beach Music Tunes

Or just keep humming Summer Breeze over and over (or anything by the Beach Boys)!  

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