How To Host An Amazing Family Reunion

by Alli

Family reunions give us a chance to get together with members of our family who live far away or who we might not usually take the time to get together with. Sometimes these reunions are awkward, sometimes they are hilarious, and often, youโ€™ll meet at least a few members of your family that you didnโ€™t even know existed.

Planning a big get-together can cause a lot of anxiety. It takes a lot of forethought to pull off a big event like this, and it can feel overwhelming. Get these few basics down, though, and youโ€™ll be sure to pull your party off without a hitch.

Venue For Family Reunion

Family Reunion Venue - Covered Shelter in Park

Select a venue that will be flexible enough to hold however many people may show up. Usually, a park with covered picnic tables is a great location.

If itโ€™s rainy, there will still be somewhere to sit and chat, but hopefully, the weather will be nice and kids can run and play outdoor games while the adults catch up on years worth of events. Be sure you have reserved the venue well in advance to get the date that you want! 


Hands Holding Up You're Invited Sign

Send out invitations months in advance. Honestly, it may even be worth it to plan up to six months before the date just to be sure Cousin Jenny doesnโ€™t plan her wedding for the reunion weekend. A paper invitation six months in advance is a good choice, but follow it up with an e-invitation reminder a few months later.  


Have you ever been at a family reunion and gone up to introduce yourself to someone you didnโ€™t know, only to find that they werenโ€™t actually related to you and they were just at the park enjoying their day? Save yourself (and your family members!) the embarrassment and design custom shirts with family reunion t-shirt sayings for the group to wear. 


Family Eating Outside at Picnic Table

It can be tough to plan food for a crowd. Unless you really love cooking, plan to have a potluck or have the meal catered. To save money, you could consider providing the main dish and have family members bring a side dish or a dessert to share. Be sure to stock up on paper goods and bring plenty to drink!

Cajun Potato Salad

Family Reunion Entertainment

Your guests will need something to keep them busy. Bring some balls to throw or kick around and outdoor games like frisbees and horseshoe. Check if the venue offers any activities like paddle boats, horseback riding, sand volleyball, or other entertainment that your guests might enjoy. 

Child playing volleyball on beach

Make sure to take lots of pictures, and bring a guest book for people to sign. You could also make a custom photo book of the event for family members to order if theyโ€™d like to!

The memories of this event will last a lifetime! It takes a lot of work to put an event like this in place, but your family will thank you for giving them the chance to get in touch with each other and catch up. 

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